Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Our tour of the Heritage Trail System begins in Carrie Jane Grey Park, leading it's way to the banks of the Fraser river, past several recreational parks and then along the Nechako river and another park to the Cameron St bridge in Prince George, British Columbia. This was the first series of short stories in PG Walk-N-Roll in Febuary 2007 when PG-WNR was first published.

Recent natural (?) events have altered the landscape and the trail may not exist past the Fraser / Nechako confluence in the future. During the spring & summer of 2007, the Nechako River swelled over it's banks and the trail was impassable all summer. As summer 07 rapidly died into the winter of 07/08 the river went through another flood. Residents living along the north side of the Nechako (the trail is along the South bank) and major industry (Founding businesses in the city) on both sides of the Nechako were forced to either close their doors for the winter or shut down the business/housing permanently.

Ice that formed miles upriver got jammed at the confluence and created a mini dam that backed up the water to it's highest levels in well over 200 years. My contact at the city who was a member of the "Trail committee" told me the other day that the committee gave up on repairing that part of the trail, so these writings and pics are likely all that remain of Prince George's most beautiful accessible area.

Walk-N-Roll around Prince George hopes that you will enjoy this tour; perhaps you will be able to remember your personal time on the trail. Please support any efforts to restore this trail once the waters recede hopefully during the summer and fall of 2008. It is our heritage and our history; land around the nechacko trail has been used for hundreds of years.

Ken Biron, January 2008

This entire blog will be listed on the Big Blog directory at

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