Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Diversion: Fort George Park, Prince George BC

Fort George Park is a huge area of greenspace in the city. It is bordered on the North by 17th avenue and 20th ave on the south. In those 3 blocks, we will find lots of flowers, Wide open spaces, trees, an outdoor amphitheater for many civic provincial or national events, a kiddie park , a spray park, a historic First Nations burial ground, Canada's official shortest railway c/w train station Exploration Place and an entrance to the REAPS recycling center. It is also beside our tour of the Heritage trail.

It is no wonder that the first nations bands around the area chose this location as their sacred burial grounds. It lies on river edge of the park, centered and overlooking the impressive Fraser River Cutbanks across a great view of the river.

The city started to develop this recreation area in the 1980's after Prince George expanded it's borders past 17th Avenue and incorporated Fort George as part of the city. Exploration center is our museum and many local archaeological discoveries are featured here. There is also a virtual theater there so you can experience traveling to the cosmos or go on an ocean voyage without leaving the city!

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